Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 3

Brief Overview
The lesson looks at the change to industrial perspectives from the past to the current model of higher sustainability, and innovation in the different industries and how does it fit into the current consumer culture.

Interesting Observations and Ideas

  • The change from 'linear' to 'cyclical', where the development is more sustainable, however, is it sufficient in this global context to prevent the deterioration of the world
  • The increase in the speed of development for the different generations of backward countries, mainly due to the ease of communication and movement over time due to technological advances.
  • The R.D.A. process of dreams, nightmare and reality 
  • The idea of Venus Project, is like Noah's Ark in Bible, it might at accurate prediction of our future, if Earth's condition deteriorates to the extent enclosed cities are needed for survival.

Key Take Away Points

  • The increase prominence of clean, alternative source of energy, which solar energy takes about 10 years to repay itself in costs. Possibility of a city outfitted with all solar panels to sustain itself without any other energy inputs.
  • Innovation is profit driven, since now sustainability sells, more companies are moving towards that direction to make more 'green' products, thus, more vital to persuade consumers to make the 'green' shift, in order to sustain the current pace of development. 

Issues for Further Discussion 
The lesson has discussed the issues involved in quite great depth, if i had to choose, it would be the possible situations, in which would lead to a plan like the Venus Project being viable and accepted.

Personal Ratings for Session
I would give a 9/10, despite the late start, we are still able to discuss and keep in pace for the whole class pretty much all the issues which needed to be covered.

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