The lesson began with an emphasis on proper citations and crediting in our individual papers, and the importance of respecting the works of others or intellectual property.
We moved on towards the presentations, with the presentations on three websites, futuristic buildings, clean energy and nano technology.
Interesting Observations and Ideas
- The presentation on futuristic cities was similar to an individual presentation which was about living underseas. The similarity of these 2 ideas is that they have predicted land loss due to global warming, and are thought as ways to counter the situation.So to reconcile the two ideas, is it better to live under water or over it, or is the best buildings which maximize space by allowing both?
- The presentation on nano-technology was interesting and overall was easy to understand and the impact of nano- technology could be big, since it can be applied to many fields, such as medicine to aid in treatments, military as weapons, or just aid in improving existing technology, however, would the potential harm from misuse of nano-technology malicious purposes curb its distribution even it is developed.
Key Take Away Points
- Group one shared how has the different requirements we need, has impacted the architecture of buildings currently and in the future, through the demand for green technology, and forecasting potential hazards in the future.
- Group two shared in their case studies, some of the reasons why there is a reluctance to embrace green technology, when based on pure figures it is a better choice.
Issues for Further Discussion
- Possible avenues for the countries in the case to increase their uptake on green technology?
- The challenges which nano-technology face in production, and in distribution.
Personal Ratings for Session
7.5/10, the first and the third presentation was good, however, the information in the second presentation was not well-organised, and i did not manage to gain much from it.
7.5/10, the first and the third presentation was good, however, the information in the second presentation was not well-organised, and i did not manage to gain much from it.
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